Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?

I went to see them play at the Big 12 Championship, and I noticed more than 50% of their fan base wore bright orange hunting gear and camo....is this a tradition of being a tiger fan?? Had a conversation with a fan who was not an alumni who told me it had something to do with being the "bushwhackers''. Did not get much info into that. Thanks for your answers.Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
Not sure about the Camo, but the carhartts probably cause it was freezing a** cold...Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
Ummmmm, been an MU fan all my life and been to games every year. Never noticed any orange or hunting gear so I'm curious too....Might have something to do with who they were playing that night...Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
well duh they wanna represent their school.........

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