Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?

I grew up on a farm and killed my first pig at 5, but my kids are already 6 and 8 and their mother is threatening to take away my visitiation rights if I try to raise them to appreciate where food comes from.What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
Well first congrats on stirring the veggie lovers up, my girls was 1 when we took them hunting and they know the pigs in the pen we are gonna eat . Also their mother cannot take visitiation away because of something like that. Animals were put on this plant to eat.
I was watching chickens hatch at 5 and cleaning guts for dinner at about 7 or 8. I absolutely don't think there is anything wrong with that as long as the child can handle it.

I didn't gut them but I watched rabbits being killed and deer. I didn't eat the rabbits I actually stole the bullets and threw them in the woods.LOL But I enjoyed the chickens evrything from hatching to feeding to collecting eggs to eating it for dinner. No, I am not 80 I am 31 and I grew up in CT.What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
I was around all of that from a very young age but

parenting is a two person job

you should respect her wishes now and

maybe she will do the same for you on another issueWhat is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
Their mother can't do SHI!T. You are not endagering them so tough tookus.

Where are they supposed to think meat comes from? I asked my 6 yr old neice and she said 'the store'. I said, yes but it comes from animals first. She said, "nuh-uh!" Why raise them to be ignorant?

Maybe folks can't handle the idea of a reality check. Watch a video of a slaughter house some time before you get your next Big Mac. It's crueler than hunting. With hunting, the animal has a chance to elude and it's a fair fight. In the slaughter house, they bash in their skulls and slit their throats whether they are alive yet or not.

If people had to process their own meat like most did a a short 100 yrs ago, I guess they'd have to be vegans cuz they can't handle it.

Good for you man.
depends on your backround i guess
It might be something that you think is appropriate, letting your young children know how animals are slaughtered but I believe wholeheartedly that they should make those decisions when they are older.

Because you were shown this at the age of five does not make it right or good for them or even for you, depending on how sensitive you were as a child.

Now this really is not about the children is it? It's about what you want and about what your wife wants. Something that could not be worked out while you were married, but you are still trying to force yourself and your will upon them, using your children as tools.
ah, what did you kill the pig with? They are huge animals.

My grandmother had chickens, my Dad used to cut their heads off, and then my mom would pluck them.They were food not pets. I too grew up with hunting game for food as a normal part of life. That is not the norm in our society anymore. You may want to explan (not show) the cycle of growing food source animals to your kids.

I have a friend who is a vegetarian and I tell her that plants have feelings, wheat screams when the blades cut in to it. Carrots and potatos cry and weep when they are dug up.

Freaks her right out. But LIFE is life.
Don't scare them!! If they want to know later on, show them. they don't have any reason to know right now...
oh my god. ur a man...thats what men do! haha! im 19 and have a 17 year old brother and him and his mates are so into that stuff! they love it! i dont think you have to be 'old enough' to do it...well a certain age. face it...thats where food comes from i say. im a country girl but not a farm girl. and even i can see your point. although id talk it over with ur kids mum and just explain to her whats goin on. maybe show her this site? take care xx
Personally I really do not agree, but according to a fellow co-worker who grew up on a farm, he feels the age 12 sounds right....
Dont risk it, but personally I think it is ok to take them hunting/ whatever. I gutted 6 chickens at 9 years old. I'm not emotionally scared....
I think that is way too young.. You could introduce them to it but I wouldnt have them kill any animals yet . Not untill they know aboit it and are comfortable and agree with it!
Then dont risk it. If they are interested when they are older then show them.
She can threaten all she wants. Hunting, and slaughtering your own food does not pose any danger to your kids. To have your visitation taken away, she'll have to prove that you are a danger or unfit parent. My youngest is a girl, and she was about 5 when we skinned and gutted stuff. I think that at any age it's fine. I just think that it's something they have to get used to. The way we explain it to the kids, is that maybe one day they'll have to live off the land, and they need to know how to hunt. Plus, hunting is fun. Good look with that ex of yours...just let her run her mouth, 'cause that's all she can do.
I'd say wait a little longer since the mother could indeed decide to be that stupid. My advice is to wait until they are teens at this point. However taking them hunting is not something you can loose your parental rights over. Talk it over with a family lawyer and see what they might say about that. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. My husband went hunting and helped gut and clean his first deer at age 6 and he loves to hunt now. We don't do it for game, but for the meat. I don't believe in just killing an animal for sport and not using the meat, fur, and other parts for something useful.
my daughter is 3. she was introduced to it all this past deer season...she was only 2 at the time. she has no problem with it. in fact we just got a cow processed as well and she calls the cow by name when we are eating it. if no one tells them there is something wrong with it they will never think there is anything wrong with it.
I would have them kill anything but go ahead and teach them. If they are scared by it stop. Their mother can't take away visitation rights because you are trying to teach your kids something.
Sorry but you must respect her wishes. I am apart from my kids father, but we still bring the kids up in respect of both our views. Wait till they are old enough to make the decision them selves. You never know, they may want to be vegetarian!!!
then dont be an *** hole and try 2 get your taking away
WHAT GAME!!!! that is horrible, give them chores to earn money or make them plant some veggies if you want them to work for there food
What's better seeing your kids or not seeing them? I would wait till they are eighteen and introduce it to them, what if they are animal activist (yes, it's possible even as young as 6 and 8) are become one later on. They will feel guilty because you wanted them to hunt and slaughter animals.
I bet that is not the real reason - are you going to take them to bakeries, field full of vegetables and orchards?

If you want them to enjoy killing things you will have to start soon - children have a natural empathy with and compassion for animals - you will have to stamp that out.

I hope that you are not successful.

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