Thursday, February 9, 2012

Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?

I was at a party talking about my last duck hunting trip with some people and this other person overheard the conversation and statrted talking about how I was a murderer for shooting ducks. They really worked themselves into a rage and started screaming that they wanted me thrown out of the party

What gives with this?Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
Since people stopped reading their Bibles in this country

There are so many people today that are just totally lost

That's how Obama got elected

That's why we have so many homos out there today

God have mercy on America
You went to a party with a bunch of psychos who had too much to drink.Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
They were just weirdos you should ignore them.Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
Some people just can't handle their booze, what can I tell ya !
Welcome to the world of animal activist who think that animals have more rights than people.

You are probably too young to remember this, but when Disney put out the movie Bambi, hunters all of the country took grief for shooting "Bamabi".
Libs and the PETA freaks hate guns and basic right of the hard working Americans
That next time you don't talk about such things at a party.The safest topic at a party is to talk about another party and agree with everybody.Enjoy life.
I do not know

This Indian Hunts white tail every day
when liberals got involved with everything.
the liberal animal rights activist hates hunting. but they are always screaming about healthy food. wild game is the healthiest food you can get. don't let them get you down keep whacking and stacking!
Have them google slaughter houses and see how they indirectly pay people to hunt for them. It will also show them how inhumane that is.

I work with a people that are the same way about hunting (both of my children are hunters) I bring up slaughter houses every time they bite into a cheeseburger or a chicken nugget. Have fun with it, I do, and you have to love hypocrisy.

@Rex, seriously you would be one of those I show slaughter house pictures to. Have fun chomping on your cheeseburger. High power guns? You think they are out there with Uzis?
Since we became ever so slightly more civilized. Shooting something with a high-powered gun isn't a sport. It doesn't take ANY skill. It's just a slaughter.

You want to look tough, at least do it with a bow and arrow or a spear.
since bambie came out and the liberals thought it was an accurate representation of deer and their families.
I don't know lady but if God did not want us to eat meat it would not taste so good.

I agree with Chief David M, i am an Abenaki Indian and i hunt white tail every day

I love you too sweet white lady.

Do you have any Indian in you? Do you want some?
next time bring a prepped duck or two that you shot for the host....they are delicious.
Some people think that killing animals is wrong.

Do you eat what you kill?

If so, I have no problem with what you do.

But if you DON'T eat what you kill, then you are making a sport out of murdering innocent animals %26amp; THAT IS WRONG.
  • black heads
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