Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is some type of hunting license needed to hunt small game in Ohio?

I live in northwest Ohio and am a teenager. I just got a .22 rifle and wanted to hunt. I was looking at hunting squirrles, rabbits, and birds. Is some type of license needed for this?Is some type of hunting license needed to hunt small game in Ohio?
Yes. All of the animals you mentioned have open and closed seasons. I'd also strongly suggest a Hunter Safety course. Start learning by reading the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' web site:鈥?/a>
Check your local regulations, but I'm going to guess you will need a hunting license. Even if the animal you are hunting is not considered a "game" animal with an opening and closing dates for it's season, you will probably still need a hunting license.Is some type of hunting license needed to hunt small game in Ohio?
It may well be prudent to check with the authorities first. If I understand correctly the penalties are severe in the USA for hunting violations.Is some type of hunting license needed to hunt small game in Ohio?
Yes you will need a licenseunting licence if you are under 17 years old.: but first you need to take a hunters saftey corse: if none are avalible this year you may get a apprentice licence and there are specfic rules for youth with appretice licences, you can only get 3 or 4 apprentice licences in your liftime so if you get one of those you will need to take a courst to keep hunting. if you google odrn, then go to the wildlife tab that is on the left side, then go to hunting, you can view the rules and regulations, bag limits; season dates; and so on. For birds i would recomed a shotgun because it is not safe to shoot a rilfe up in the air. Good luck hunting
Go nuts... read the regs first...鈥?/a>
* Yes * Its called a Hunting License.*
Yeah you need a license but if you live out by no one i wouldnt worry about it as long as you know what your doing im 14 and i always buy my license first of the year but buy a powerfulp bb gun then you wont have to have a lisence or hunters saftey

Where can i download a free hunting game for my pc?

any hunting game or any fun game?Where can i download a free hunting game for my pc?
It should be demo??Where can i download a free hunting game for my pc?
there are many games on this site

What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?

I grew up on a farm and killed my first pig at 5, but my kids are already 6 and 8 and their mother is threatening to take away my visitiation rights if I try to raise them to appreciate where food comes from.What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
Well first congrats on stirring the veggie lovers up, my girls was 1 when we took them hunting and they know the pigs in the pen we are gonna eat . Also their mother cannot take visitiation away because of something like that. Animals were put on this plant to eat.
I was watching chickens hatch at 5 and cleaning guts for dinner at about 7 or 8. I absolutely don't think there is anything wrong with that as long as the child can handle it.

I didn't gut them but I watched rabbits being killed and deer. I didn't eat the rabbits I actually stole the bullets and threw them in the woods.LOL But I enjoyed the chickens evrything from hatching to feeding to collecting eggs to eating it for dinner. No, I am not 80 I am 31 and I grew up in CT.What is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
I was around all of that from a very young age but

parenting is a two person job

you should respect her wishes now and

maybe she will do the same for you on another issueWhat is an appropriate age to introduce children to game hunting and slaughtering/cleaning animals for food?
Their mother can't do SHI!T. You are not endagering them so tough tookus.

Where are they supposed to think meat comes from? I asked my 6 yr old neice and she said 'the store'. I said, yes but it comes from animals first. She said, "nuh-uh!" Why raise them to be ignorant?

Maybe folks can't handle the idea of a reality check. Watch a video of a slaughter house some time before you get your next Big Mac. It's crueler than hunting. With hunting, the animal has a chance to elude and it's a fair fight. In the slaughter house, they bash in their skulls and slit their throats whether they are alive yet or not.

If people had to process their own meat like most did a a short 100 yrs ago, I guess they'd have to be vegans cuz they can't handle it.

Good for you man.
depends on your backround i guess
It might be something that you think is appropriate, letting your young children know how animals are slaughtered but I believe wholeheartedly that they should make those decisions when they are older.

Because you were shown this at the age of five does not make it right or good for them or even for you, depending on how sensitive you were as a child.

Now this really is not about the children is it? It's about what you want and about what your wife wants. Something that could not be worked out while you were married, but you are still trying to force yourself and your will upon them, using your children as tools.
ah, what did you kill the pig with? They are huge animals.

My grandmother had chickens, my Dad used to cut their heads off, and then my mom would pluck them.They were food not pets. I too grew up with hunting game for food as a normal part of life. That is not the norm in our society anymore. You may want to explan (not show) the cycle of growing food source animals to your kids.

I have a friend who is a vegetarian and I tell her that plants have feelings, wheat screams when the blades cut in to it. Carrots and potatos cry and weep when they are dug up.

Freaks her right out. But LIFE is life.
Don't scare them!! If they want to know later on, show them. they don't have any reason to know right now...
oh my god. ur a man...thats what men do! haha! im 19 and have a 17 year old brother and him and his mates are so into that stuff! they love it! i dont think you have to be 'old enough' to do it...well a certain age. face it...thats where food comes from i say. im a country girl but not a farm girl. and even i can see your point. although id talk it over with ur kids mum and just explain to her whats goin on. maybe show her this site? take care xx
Personally I really do not agree, but according to a fellow co-worker who grew up on a farm, he feels the age 12 sounds right....
Dont risk it, but personally I think it is ok to take them hunting/ whatever. I gutted 6 chickens at 9 years old. I'm not emotionally scared....
I think that is way too young.. You could introduce them to it but I wouldnt have them kill any animals yet . Not untill they know aboit it and are comfortable and agree with it!
Then dont risk it. If they are interested when they are older then show them.
She can threaten all she wants. Hunting, and slaughtering your own food does not pose any danger to your kids. To have your visitation taken away, she'll have to prove that you are a danger or unfit parent. My youngest is a girl, and she was about 5 when we skinned and gutted stuff. I think that at any age it's fine. I just think that it's something they have to get used to. The way we explain it to the kids, is that maybe one day they'll have to live off the land, and they need to know how to hunt. Plus, hunting is fun. Good look with that ex of yours...just let her run her mouth, 'cause that's all she can do.
I'd say wait a little longer since the mother could indeed decide to be that stupid. My advice is to wait until they are teens at this point. However taking them hunting is not something you can loose your parental rights over. Talk it over with a family lawyer and see what they might say about that. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. My husband went hunting and helped gut and clean his first deer at age 6 and he loves to hunt now. We don't do it for game, but for the meat. I don't believe in just killing an animal for sport and not using the meat, fur, and other parts for something useful.
my daughter is 3. she was introduced to it all this past deer season...she was only 2 at the time. she has no problem with it. in fact we just got a cow processed as well and she calls the cow by name when we are eating it. if no one tells them there is something wrong with it they will never think there is anything wrong with it.
I would have them kill anything but go ahead and teach them. If they are scared by it stop. Their mother can't take away visitation rights because you are trying to teach your kids something.
Sorry but you must respect her wishes. I am apart from my kids father, but we still bring the kids up in respect of both our views. Wait till they are old enough to make the decision them selves. You never know, they may want to be vegetarian!!!
then dont be an *** hole and try 2 get your taking away
WHAT GAME!!!! that is horrible, give them chores to earn money or make them plant some veggies if you want them to work for there food
What's better seeing your kids or not seeing them? I would wait till they are eighteen and introduce it to them, what if they are animal activist (yes, it's possible even as young as 6 and 8) are become one later on. They will feel guilty because you wanted them to hunt and slaughter animals.
I bet that is not the real reason - are you going to take them to bakeries, field full of vegetables and orchards?

If you want them to enjoy killing things you will have to start soon - children have a natural empathy with and compassion for animals - you will have to stamp that out.

I hope that you are not successful.

What is the best pelet gun for target practice and small game hunting?

Im looking for my first pelet gun. I would like a quiet gun but ill take anything. Perferably a gamo.What is the best pelet gun for target practice and small game hunting?
Just make sure you get a .22 and not a .177

Also, don't be one of those kids who shoots hummingbirds and robins with his air gun, it is illegal and unethical.

A .22 air rifle that fires 800+ fps will be a decent squirrel and rabbit gun for close range shooting.What is the best pelet gun for target practice and small game hunting?
IMO, Gamo isn't the best quality. RWS, Beeman, or Crosman/Benjamin Pellet guns are better. For a first pellet gun, the Crosman American Classic 1377c Pump-pistol is great. It's a .177 Caliber 4.5mm, rifled steel barrel, and you can modify it in the future.

Google it, youtube it and you will find good things :)What is the best pelet gun for target practice and small game hunting?
I have the beman r9 air rifle. It comes with two size barrels. .177 and .22 it dose just fine on rabbits with .22 I dont know if can kill a quail with it though. So I wouldn't go any bigger them a rabbit.

How useful is the M107 .50 rifle for big game hunting?


How useful is the M107 .50 rifle for big game hunting, ie. elk, deer, elephant, bear, etc.How useful is the M107 .50 rifle for big game hunting?
Really not practical at all. The gun is way to heavy and the cartridge too powerful for anything walking today.
depends... did you pan on eating your meat or just picking it off the branches and grass...

stick to a lower 30-06 or 30-30 hunting rifle..... plenty of power for any of these and you wont get any of the negative side to owning a military grade cannon, not to mention you have less of a chance to ruin other hunter chances at spotting something, the sound of a bmg would blow the animal right out of the forestHow useful is the M107 .50 rifle for big game hunting?
It's big, heavy, cumbersome, expensive, and really ugly. Unless your life depends on placing a man-sized hole in whatever you're shooting at, leave it at home next time you go out. If you need a .50 cal, then try using a muzzle loader like a normal person.How useful is the M107 .50 rifle for big game hunting?
It will easily kill any of them. It will destroy a lot of the meat in the process.

It is a bit heavy, cumbersome, and expensive as a hunting tool.

You would endure considerable disdain from other hunters for using it.
The only 50 cals used for hunting are muzzle loaders or S%26amp;W 500 magnums.

.50 bmg is for nothing other than showing off or for military uses,or for people that know nothing about guns other than whats on call of duty to talk about.
It will be very useful, but if you can fire that from your shoulder our crouched you strong. Though the gun is to heavy to take around.
It might be useful is you are going on a safari trip to Africa and hunting an Elephant or Giraffe. Might be a bit heavy to carry around :D! I wouldn't use it for any North American game.
This ain't African. A 50cal is way way way over kill for the game out here, I also think your bragging about something that you don't have.
It would be the perfect rifle for Jurassic Park. Otherwise, not so much.
It's not used for hunting.
  • engine oil
  • Anybody know a good deer hunting game?

    So i have this game Deer Hunter Challenge for the Pc but i recently got a new computer with Windows Vista and the game is too old to work. Any body know of a good Hunting game either for the PC or Wii?Anybody know a good deer hunting game?
    I have trophy bucks for wii it is good you can get it at eb games it is made by cabealas $39.99. Worth every penny.Anybody know a good deer hunting game?
    Certainly yes! Go to and click on life and simulation games. Go to hunting games. I would recomend playing the game- DEER HUNTER THE 2005 SEASON-. You can download it and get a 30 day FREE trial. Or you can buy the full version for $20. Hope this helps.

    What is a inexpensive and reliable rifle for big game hunting in North America?

    Also I would like something where the ammo is readily available, it is hard for me to find bullets for my mauser and they are getting more expensive.What is a inexpensive and reliable rifle for big game hunting in North America?
    Get a 30-06 or a .308. These are good for anything up to elk and black bear. If you are going for brown bear or moose, you should go with a bigger gun. (not my area of expertise)

    The ammo is very common. You can find it anywhere they sell ammo. There is also a wide variety of ammunition types for both.

    I like the Ruger M77 Mk.II in stainless, but pretty much any company than makes rifles has one or more version of the 30-06 and .308. I have friends who prefer Browning's B.A.R. over my Ruger. Remington and Winchester are also good options.

    If you are looking to keep the price down, you can easily find a good selection of used rifles from most dealers.

    As far as scopes go, I recommend you get a new one. Used scopes are pretty iffy in my opinion. You never really know what you are getting of you go used. I like the Nikon Buckmaster. It's a good scope at a reasonable price. When you get a scope, just make sure the inner working are brass rather than plastic or resin. They last longer and perform better.
    So you understand now that a .22 is no good for medium/large game? I'm gonna recommend a .30-06, although there are many other good choices out there. The .30-06 is one of the most popular hunting calibers of all time, so you'll be able to find ammo literally everywhere. It is a very versatile cartridge that accepts bullets weighing in anywhere from 110 grain all the way up to 220 grain. This give you the ability to hunt everything from coyotes/pronghorn all the way up to moose and bear. It literally is the do everything caliber for north american game.

    As for what rifle, I'd recommend a remington 700 ADL. You can find them used for around $300 or new for around $450. This isn't the only good option though. Anything made by savage will be good and relatively inexpensive. The winchester model 70 is also a good gun. If you local walmart stocks the weatherby vangard that is also a good gun for the price.What is a inexpensive and reliable rifle for big game hunting in North America?
    If you have a Mauser, especially if it's in 8x57 JS, then you have a fine choice already. If it's of little collector value, you might want to sporterize it to some degree, and you could buy handloading equipment for a lot less than you'll spend on a new rifle. With handloads, 8x57 really comes into its own as a hunting cartridge.What is a inexpensive and reliable rifle for big game hunting in North America?
    Since Brown bear are on your menu, adding up everything, there is most definitely reloading/handloading in your future! Whether you handload your 8mm Mauser with Hornady's 220 grain bullets for Grizzlies, or download your 300Mag or 338Mag for deer, or load whatever feels good for your Marlin Model 1895 in 45-70, that Hornady manual tutorial is empowerment and cash savings that will astound you! or their google competitors or your local gunshop on a Saturday afternoon all have everything you will need, or can get them.
    Try the Marlin XL7 IN 30-06. Inexpensive (On sale locally for $319.95 complete with an inexpensive 3x9x40 scope and rings). Good reviews (do a google search) , accurate, nice trigger. 30-06 ammo is available everywhere and there are a wide variety (understatement!) of bullets to handload. This rifle also comes in 270 and 243 calibers as well as (at least a couple of years ago) 25-06. Simple, rugged, shoots well enough to take about any game in the lower 48. That's my 2 cents. There are other prettier rifles with lots of fancy stuff, but the Marlin will get the job done.
    What is your price range? What are you hunting? Where are you hunting?

    is this a personal question to all of use or do you need a new rifle?

    we need more info before we could suggest to you a rifle


    Ill go with my gut however and say go to a gun show or gun shop and get something in 30-06 in your price range, its not to hard to find 06 ammo.

    *waits for thumbs downs to start popping up from people who cant find ammo for there guns*


    *Edit in*

    for 500-600 dollars you could easily get a good quality rifle form Remington or Rugger in 30-06.
    A Marlin in 45-70 (~$500) is a GREAT gun and caliber. It will (with the proper loadings) take down Anything in North America Deer to Buffalo to Grizzlies, and even Africa. Depending on your area, however, you may not find ammo very easily (varies by location).

    A Remington 700 in .308win or 30-06 is a very good gun with a very good supply of ammo. Remington 700's cost about $450 at my local walmart, and ammo prices vary wildly depending on what you get (a good median price would be about $30/box)

    If you can buy ammo online, I suggest if you just want to feed a mauser
    The Marlin XL7 or remington 700 in a .30-06 would be the two best bets.

    I am a big fan of the .270 caliber, it is great for the 150-250 yard range as it has a very flat trajectory. Original design was for mountain sheep. I have a mossberg ATR in a .270 and it cannot be beat for the price ($300-350) Its also available in .30-06. If you want to save a few dollars and get a better scope, the ATR is the way to go.
    I shoot a 7x57 Mauser... I can find ammo all day long at "reasonable" prices I keep 5 boxes at all times.. I shoot 140 grain.. what type of Mauser do you have..

    Now allot of folks go with the 30.06... for heavy game.. its easy to find ammo and a reasonable price between 300 - 600 based on what manufacturer you pick.. I have a ruger 30.06 that is reliable and a great all round hunting gun. Think about a 7 mm Mag.. for Elk and Bear.. Some I know choose the 300 win mag.

    Take a serious look at what you hunt.. terrain and animal size are important.. I Hunt with a Slug Shotgun, and a couple differing rifles depending on the terrain and animal size.I like the 270 caliber also.. flat shooting and more that enough for most medium game animals... My 7x57 is my first pick, unless I am in the Deep Woods then I use my Slug Gun.. the others are good for those areas in between.
    30-30 is cheap for out to 150 yds or so. Next cheapest and popular would be .30-06. It is somewhat more powerful and for slightly longer range. It seems like I see .30-30 rounds for abour $15 for 20 and $20 for 20 rounds for .30-06. At least for the Remington Express rounds which are plenty good for deer sized animals. If I was going to shoot a moose or especially bear, I would want a little better bullet.
    REM, RUGER,BROWNING, WINCHESTER, SAVAGE, MOSSBERG, and the WEATHERBY VANGUARD, In 30/06,7mm Rem Mag,or the 300Win Mag. Can't go wrong with any one of them for game that size. Flat shooting, and popular.
    a 270 will easily do the job if you are a good shot, but a 3006 will provide you with assurance

    look into ruger browning and remington for something in that range
    30-06, .308 are good suggestions. A 30-30 is not good for elk or bear ! Tube feed limits choice of rounds and flat nose bullets have terrible ballistics (coefficients) after 100 yds. IMO.
    Depends on what you prefer. I personally like the Remington 700 series. They are a little expensive, but some model are under $800.
    * Buy a Remington or Savage Brand bolt-action in 30-06 caliber.*
    A marlin 30/30 lever action.

    What's the best hunting game simulator?

    I'd like to buy one hunting simulation game, but I can't find what's the best.. Deer hunter, trophy hunter, Cabela's big games, hunting unlimited and so on.. the market is really full with them and it's hard to understand the difference.

    I'd like to have good graphics, a lot of different animal and shenarios.. of course would be important the realism too.

    What can you suggest?What's the best hunting game simulator?
    I recommend a game called 'Monster Hunter'鈥?/a>

    It is quite fun. The realism is taken away by the fact that you have to hunt monsters rather than animals but it is extremely fun to play. It is also a pretty good simulation

    What is the best game hunting camera you can buy?

    I need to know what a good reliable camera, with no flash. Also I need it to be a reasonable price. also If you can tell me where I can buy it that would be appreciated as well.What is the best game hunting camera you can buy?
    Buy any version you wish.Just don't buy a stealth cam. I've owned two "I'm a slow learner" and gave away both of them.Good luck!
    I would recommend stopping by (see source) for reviews on a variety of game cameras and preview of what is coming out new for this year.

    You may also want to stop by the Grow the Hunt Blog (see source) which amongst many other topics include tips on how best to use game cameras in the field.What is the best game hunting camera you can buy?
    Wildview Xtreme series STC-TGL5M-(5mega pixels)--easiest to setup

    Stealth Cam STC-I550(5mega pixels)-its okay

    Moultrie Digital Game Camera 200-(3 mega pixels)don`t like it,works intermittent

    Remington Ghost Camera(5mega pixel)-BEST-has led %26amp; incandescent light,picks up deer at 90 feet

    they all take SD cards and videos or pixsWhat is the best game hunting camera you can buy?
    I try to find the best one for you.

    And I found Stealth Cam 5.0 Mega Pixel Digital Scouting Trail Camera.


    Hope this help.

    What is a good set of rules for a Good Will Hunting drinking game?

    I'm going to watch "Good WIll Hunting" this Saturday and would like a good set of rules to drink along with. A friend told me that "Drink everytime someone touches their beard" would be a good one, but I'd like a few more rules. Any thoughts? I've had trouble finding a good set online.What is a good set of rules for a Good Will Hunting drinking game?
    drink everytime they do something you don't understand... the drunker you get the more likely you will be to not understand what they are talking aboutWhat is a good set of rules for a Good Will Hunting drinking game?
    Drink every time you can't understand what Minnie Driver is saying or any time Robin Williams rubs his arms.
  • nars
  • Can anyone give me an idea for scavenger hunting?

    Can somebody please give me an idea for a scavenger hunting game. A list of things? But don't make it so incredibly easy that a 5 year old can do it. We're 14 and we just want to have a little fun. OR another way that you may help is by providing me with some clever dares. Nothing drastic like drinking your own urine or something. Just fun. I would GREATLY appreciate your contributions. Thank you xoxoCan anyone give me an idea for scavenger hunting?
    Go to a safe shopping mall. find: something wet,something cold,someone wearing a Police uniform. A car with a decal on it. A particular store(popular). The most Popular food to eat at a Mall. *Just make up stuff to find.*

    What is the best air rifle pellet for short distance small game hunting?

    Why is the pellet so good at killing game;at short distances? What did this type of pellet do to the small game upon impact?What is the best air rifle pellet for short distance small game hunting?
    If you want to make certain it is "lights out" in one shot, look for a rifle that exceeds 20 ft lbs muzzle energy.

    Such as this in .22 or .25 caliber鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    or these in .22...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Basically something that can fire a .22 14.3 grain pellet at least 800 fps or a .25 17.7 grain pellets at least 700 fps.

    Some will say this is overkill, but the wound will be so devastating, even a mediocre shot will bring instant death.What is the best air rifle pellet for short distance small game hunting?
    RWS Superdomes. Excellent pellet either .22 or .177

    What is a really good crossbow for hunting big game?

    Hey guys, recently a friend of mine has gotten me into bow and crossbow hunting, and it's such a thrill aside from rifle hunting. Are there any experienced crossbow users out there? I'm going to invest in one, and was just wanting some ideas on a very good one... Thank you...What is a really good crossbow for hunting big game?
    There are good crossbows available from Horton, Barnett, Ten-point and Excalibur,

    I have a 225 pound Excalibur. It works very well for me. It is a recurve, not a compound. I prefer the simplicity of the recurve, there are less things that can go wrong. is a really good crossbow for hunting big game?
    Hands down, Excalibur.What is a really good crossbow for hunting big game?

    What else do i need to have other then a license to go hunting?

    When i am 18 i am gonna get my hunting license and whatever else i need to go big game hunting i plan on purchasing a 30-06 remington 700 but can you tell me all the info i need on what i must have to be able to go to other provinces in canada and go hunting for lets say deer and what not. How do i get tags? what do i need?What else do i need to have other then a license to go hunting?
    First thing you need to do is get your Hunter Education class scheduled NOW, because they fill up fast and if you wait till even May there might not be any available. The rifle and cartridge combination are a great choice. Find factory ammo your gun likes with 165 grain Bonded Core bullets for hunting and anything cheap in the same weight for practice. If you know someone to hand load even better. You need a good scope on the rifle; Nikon Pro Staff and Leupold VXII are normally the starting points for scopes. Keep the scope 3-9 40mm with a simple Niko-plex or Duplex reticule; no Bullet Drop Compensator or Mil-Dots, they just muddy up the sight picture. Sight in 2 inches high at 100 yards and you are right on at 200. It is a lot easier to aim right on at 100 yards and know you might be a little high than to be at 250 and not even be close. i prefer the Leupold bases and rings, they seem more solid.

    you need 2 decent knives, one good sized for the heavier work and a smaller drop point knife for skinning. You should have a small sharpening stone or steel because the knives get dull. Practice with the rifle, and find targets that show the internal anatomy of the game animals you plan on hunting. "The Perfect Shot" for North American or African animals is a great resource to study if you can find one at a library, or similar books that explain shoot placement. Most people can drop an deer,elk or moose while it is standing broadside to them, you need to know where to hit if the angle isn't perfect. Binoculars are always a good investment----DON'T use your scope instead of binoculars!!!.

    Those are the basics, but reading up on hunting and maybe even finding a reloading manual is good research too.What else do i need to have other then a license to go hunting?
    get a underbrush bugmaster suit, go out hiking and camping alot to learn nature, read books on hunting, get a good knife, and go to the range to keep up on accuracy

    Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?

    I was at a party talking about my last duck hunting trip with some people and this other person overheard the conversation and statrted talking about how I was a murderer for shooting ducks. They really worked themselves into a rage and started screaming that they wanted me thrown out of the party

    What gives with this?Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
    Since people stopped reading their Bibles in this country

    There are so many people today that are just totally lost

    That's how Obama got elected

    That's why we have so many homos out there today

    God have mercy on America
    You went to a party with a bunch of psychos who had too much to drink.Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
    They were just weirdos you should ignore them.Since when did game hunting become politically incorrect in America?
    Some people just can't handle their booze, what can I tell ya !
    Welcome to the world of animal activist who think that animals have more rights than people.

    You are probably too young to remember this, but when Disney put out the movie Bambi, hunters all of the country took grief for shooting "Bamabi".
    Libs and the PETA freaks hate guns and basic right of the hard working Americans
    That next time you don't talk about such things at a party.The safest topic at a party is to talk about another party and agree with everybody.Enjoy life.
    I do not know

    This Indian Hunts white tail every day
    when liberals got involved with everything.
    the liberal animal rights activist hates hunting. but they are always screaming about healthy food. wild game is the healthiest food you can get. don't let them get you down keep whacking and stacking!
    Have them google slaughter houses and see how they indirectly pay people to hunt for them. It will also show them how inhumane that is.

    I work with a people that are the same way about hunting (both of my children are hunters) I bring up slaughter houses every time they bite into a cheeseburger or a chicken nugget. Have fun with it, I do, and you have to love hypocrisy.

    @Rex, seriously you would be one of those I show slaughter house pictures to. Have fun chomping on your cheeseburger. High power guns? You think they are out there with Uzis?
    Since we became ever so slightly more civilized. Shooting something with a high-powered gun isn't a sport. It doesn't take ANY skill. It's just a slaughter.

    You want to look tough, at least do it with a bow and arrow or a spear.
    since bambie came out and the liberals thought it was an accurate representation of deer and their families.
    I don't know lady but if God did not want us to eat meat it would not taste so good.

    I agree with Chief David M, i am an Abenaki Indian and i hunt white tail every day

    I love you too sweet white lady.

    Do you have any Indian in you? Do you want some?
    next time bring a prepped duck or two that you shot for the host....they are delicious.
    Some people think that killing animals is wrong.

    Do you eat what you kill?

    If so, I have no problem with what you do.

    But if you DON'T eat what you kill, then you are making a sport out of murdering innocent animals %26amp; THAT IS WRONG.
  • black heads
  • What are some good small game hunting dogs for starters?

    Hey guys I'm 16 and recently I got my hunters safety card, though I have been hunting birthday is in a couple weeks and my parents said I could get a pup to train and raise for hunting....around here coon hunting is big...I also squirrel hunt and rabbit hunt what are some good dogs that can track these small game animals good...also one that is easier to train if that's possible....thanksWhat are some good small game hunting dogs for starters?
    Go with a beagle. Great rabbit dog.
    We had a beagle that would curl your hair, he was the greatest hunter of all time, he had a different bark for each animal, if you shot at a pheasant and missed he would bite you. I have seen him go over where two cocker spaniels just went and get a bird, he would get birds by himself, no shots fired, he was great, we were spoiled. I have never seen a better dog or another like him. He had no training, it was natural for him. If you go looking at puppies, just say to him, rabbit? squirrel? and watch his reaction, if he reacts, he might be a hunter, it would be nice to try him out, don't take guns, just walk him, and see what he does. We have tried other beagles, but none came close, I have a beagle right now, just had pups, have one left. Don't know if they will hunt or not, the mom does, but not like The other guy.What are some good small game hunting dogs for starters?
    a beagle or a dachshund are both excellent small game hunting dogs. however dachshunds are stubborn dogs so if you are looking for an easy dog to train they are not for you.What are some good small game hunting dogs for starters?
    I have a coonhound who is a natural hunter and he loves the woods so maybe consider that breed.

    Is big game hunting a cost effective way to supplement my diet?

    I love meat and organic meat seems healthier to me.

    Will becoming a hunter be cost effective in the long run?

    Are the permits expensive?

    Are you allowed to shoot enough to live on?

    Thanks!Is big game hunting a cost effective way to supplement my diet?
    It really depends on where you hunt, each state has different permit prices.

    I grew up with freezers filled with deer and moose meat. One moose will last you all winter and then some! I believe it is definitely cost effective...not to mention HEALTHIER....
    The food is better for you it has no government garbage in it like a market cowIs big game hunting a cost effective way to supplement my diet?
    Depends if you harvest the animal yourself. It is very expensive to have somebody do it for you. Just depends.

    Bag limits depend on the state you live in, and other costs may include the use of public land.

    Hunting season is not open year round btw.Is big game hunting a cost effective way to supplement my diet?
    It depends on where you live. I live in a state with very liberal limits on the amount of deer that can be harvested. I pay $60 a year for a license for fishing and hunting and that price included access to wildlife management areas for deer hunting. Check the regulations for the area you want to hunt. A decent rifle can be bought for a reasonable prices at pawnshops or off the used rack at a gunshop.
    not for everyone....if it was there would be a lot of people doing it. for most people it is a net loss but a nice hobby.
    unless you plan to do all the work yourself, cleaning the game and processing it to be ready for the table, i doubt it will seem cost effective. processing a deer for the table can run fifty to a hundred dollars or more per deer. buying the guns, ammunition, licenses and very possibly having to pay lease fees for a place to hunt can run into several thousand to begin with. game laws vary from state to state and county to county, so being able to shoot several deer might be a problem in some areas, which could mean a move to a more productive area or at least a trip for each hunt. also, seasons across most areas are only for a couple of months a year. most experienced hunters have done these things for years, and can spend as little as a hundred dollaors a year or less. to keep themselves in venison. but to start from scratch could be very expensive at the outset.

    hunting and eating what you hunt is an american tradition to be used and enjoyed, but these days only a few people can cheaply supply all their needs for meat by hunting.
    A hunting license isn't expensive. Like most pastimes, many of us let these things get a bit out of control My meat may cost $400 a pound, but I don't care. Where I live, I can shoot more deer than I can eat in a year, and do it with little difficulty, but that's also just me.
    Wild Big game is very good for you, it is cost effective for me for i have 3 boys and raising them to eat "From the Land" not only cuts down on my grocery bill but it also teaches them how to survive. As far as permits, here in Indiana it is not unusual to be able to get 5 deer a season so that is plenty enough to fill the freezer, also as far as processing i do my own, which only costs me time now. Research a little and buy you a good set of knives to start with when processing and work your way up as time goes by, a little bit here and there adds up and before you know it you have all the equiptment that you will ever need. As far as havesting your own meat try to find an experienced hunter to hunt with and learn what you can from him/her. Here you have a choice of early archery then firearm season consisting of either shotgun, handgun, and muzzleloader, then you have muzzleloader season, followed by late archery so you can see there is plenty of oppurtunity to get your limit of deer here.
    Cost effective?? Maybe.... I see these guys go into the woods with a $40000 4X4, a $1000 rifle, a $500 scope, that shoots $65 a box ammo, and get deeper into the woods with a $4000 quad runner and $450 in clothes on, etc, etc, etc...... Thats not cost effective... I just go off in the woods with my old boots, a 30/30 lever gun I have owned since 1980, a red checker jacket with a bright orange hat and thats it.... Everything was paid for years ago. The freezers full...... Shoot enough to live on? probably not but if your way out in the woods enough then I suppose it doesnt matter.... Permits are cheap... Legaly you may not be allowed to take enough game to make it worth the bother but I suppose if you hunt now and then and take several pounds of meat in your limits then its worth it.... even if the freezer is filled part time...
    Yes, it can defenitley be cost effective.

    My personal experience is this:

    2 deer per year

    Feeds a family of 2 plus many bbq.


    Tags about $35 for archery (Illinois).

    Processing fee is about $100 per deer.


    Meat for 1 year.

    Time spent outside hunting.
    The meat in most wild game is much healthier than the store-bought variety. There's less fat and very little cholesterol. Another great part of shooting your own food is that you can have a variety. Instead of going to the grocery store and having beef, pork, and chicken, you can go hunting for deer, elk, rabbits, squirrels, doves, ducks, geese, and possibly hogs and other indigenous animals.

    Whether or not it's cost effective is a whole other question. If you already own a gun, have land you can hunt on for free, and do your own processing, it is. Your only real expense is a hunting license and ammo. But if you have to buy a gun, lease property to hunt on, and pay $100 to have a deer processed, the price per pound gets really high.

    Check with your local fish %26amp; game department to see what the limits are on different types of game. You can pick up a handbook at most sporting goods stores and Wal-Mart that show the limits, and when the seasons are open.
    Resident licenses don;t cost to much usually, big game like deer hunting is not something you can just go out and do. I know it takes the average first time hunter in Indiana 3 years to get their first deer. If you are talking about elk it is going to be even harder. You need at least good camo and scent control dpending on where you hunt. You will need a gun and ammunition allowed by your state and you may want a tree stand or ground blind to hunt out of. You have to learn how to field dress and butcher yourself.

    I had venison sausage made for less than $1.25 a pound last year out of a doe and it was great. There is a great amount of money, time, and skill invested. If someone you know could take you hunting and show you some stuff you can learn quick.
    To answer your question- it can be a cost effective way, but will usually not stay that way for long- you see, after awhile, you get caught up in it, and want to travel to places farther away and with different methods of hunting ( such as bow hunting) it soon becomes a type of hobby or recreation for you. But I usually kill 5-6 deer a year, and that is the meat we live on until the next hunting season , you get about about 50% of the weight of a deer after processing- an adult deer in my area will go about 130 lbs for a doe and about 160 for a buck- these weights will vary between each deer - but say the average is 145 lb's- after processing you get about 70 lbs of edible meat- at todays prices I figure the worth at say, $5 a lb.-that makes the worth of 70 lbs of deer at $350 - multiply that by 6 -( if I'm lucky enough to limit out) and that is $2100 worth of meat. So you can use this as a somewhat sort of a guide line to see if you can be cost efficient in your hunting quest. You also need to understand that this is the figures I give to my wife to justify something I may want to buy in the hunting area. The fact that deer meat is the most healthiest meat you can eat should be the major factor in your decision to hunt for meat- it is super lean and no chemicals added for the growth of the animal- Do you know that the European nations will not allow our meat to be exported into theri country? It has dangerous chemicals that is put into the feed for the animals (all of them) that promotes growth so their profit margin is bigger- The European nations say this product causes cancer. Good luck !

    Whats the best air rifle for hunting small game for under 拢150?

    I got the Crosman Ratcatcher the other day, very good but am looking for something with a bit more range and too ditch the horrible Co2.

    I mess around doing some garden targets but really spend more time hunting small game like Rabbits Rats and any small birds.

    ThanksWhats the best air rifle for hunting small game for under 拢150?
    For under 150 GBP, I don't know that there is a much better option than what you have. If you simply want a reasonably accurate, reasonably powerful, spring-piston airgun (to get away from co2), you could get a Cometa 220 for around 130-135 GBP. Power is going to be about the same (8-10 ft-lbs of muzzle energy). Ditto on muzzle velocity (500-550 fps depending on pellet weight). Will it take small game or pigeons? Yes. At least if you keep the range close, say 20 meters*, and limit yourself to head-shots. Is it the best choice for a hunting springer for under 150 GBP? Probably. Its certainly head %26amp; shoulders above the SMK B-series guns...

    The biggest concern I have with the Cometa is that its not a "full power" (IE 11-12 ft-lbs of muzzle energy) gun. Unfortunately I don't know of any of those from reputable makers for under 150 GBP. BSA has the Meteor Mk 7 and the Comet for around 170 GBP. Cometa has the Cometa 300 for around 175 GBP. Gamo has the Shadow for 160 GBP... So there are options that won't cost much more. If you buy a used spring-piston gun from someone who's looking to buy a better gun, you might be able to find a good full power gun for under 150 GBP... The extra power is going to result in at least an extra 10 meters effective range, which is why I encourage you to get a full power gun.

    *The reason I mentioned limited range is because of the minimum energy levels needed. Rabbit requires around 5 ft-lbs of impact energy.(1) Technically even the Cometa 220 can deliver that to around 22-25 meters. However the trajectory will vary over 3-4 centimeters at 22-25 meters. Since a rabbits or pigeons vitals are only around 2.2 cm you'll need to work out a range chart and practice your range estimation if you want to shoot beyond 20 meters. A full power airgun on the other hand will deliver 5 ft-lbs of impact energy out to 40 meters (with the proper pellet). And the trajectory will be much flatter. You'll see the same 3-4 cm trajectory over 40 meters with a 4.5mm, full power gun. Honestly though, odds are good that accuracy constraints will limit the full power gun's range advantage to 10 meters (for a total effective range of 30 meters) since you have to be able to keep all your shots in an area about 2-3 cm in diameter...
    I would highly recommend a S/H Weihrauch HW35

    UK - Airgun sales

    Search for rifles by make, model, price, location, etc

    I have seen a number of HW35's in or around your price range in the past 6 months, but have not checked recently.Whats the best air rifle for hunting small game for under 拢150?鈥?/a>

    Follow this link. If this price is correct and some BS wind up it will be the best 拢100 you've ever spent. Good luck.

    Tempted to buy it for my boy.Whats the best air rifle for hunting small game for under 拢150?
    none. Just use a 30/06. Blow those suckers away.

    Any good Shooting games for wii?

    Hey, I am a wii owner looking for a really good shooting game for wii. However my perants wont let me buy M rated games yet. Does anyone know a single good shooting/hunting game, under M, for wii?Any good Shooting games for wii?
    Call of Duty 3 is rated TAny good Shooting games for wii?
    metroid. im not sure whats its rating is.

    get wii games and accessories here good Shooting games for wii?

    How do I find public hunting land in TN for small game and waterfowl? ?

    Me and my cousin are going down to Tennessee from Dec 26 -Jan 1, and we want to hunt small game and waterfowl, do you know how I can find land that we can hunt? We will be staying in Livingston. Thank you for you help!How do I find public hunting land in TN for small game and waterfowl? ?
    I live near livingston. All you have to do , is check the seasons and 'open your eyes'.. there is millions of acres of public hunting land here. Here they call them WMA (wild life managment areas). Get a liscense (for sure, they will bust you and fine your pants off without one)... there is "Standing Stone State Forest" in the area also. All Good places to hunt.. Heck , if I knew you, you could come here, I live on 100 acres of forest.. so I just go out side and hunt..

    You do have one problem.... IT WILL BE DEER SEASON... you can't (and wouldn't want to ) be in the woods during the deer season..

    Go online and check the 'TWRA" website. (Tennessee wildlife resource agency) It will educate you. If you get into Celina and see a guy in full cammo in a Black Dodge Ram 4x4... say Hi Rambo, I'll show you around.鈥?/a>How do I find public hunting land in TN for small game and waterfowl? ?
    you could try a plat book, I have used them online before and they work quite well if you know the county.How do I find public hunting land in TN for small game and waterfowl? ?
    I Googled "Tennessee Public Hunting Land" and got several listings. Start here:
  • eye color
  • What is the most realistic hunting video game?

    I'm looking for something similar to real hunting, but a little faster paced.What is the most realistic hunting video game?
    The most realistic and it's free online it's called .The Hunter.

    It's a pc client based free online hunting game.

    It's free to hunt deers and it's very realistic 3d game....8)

    Where are some good hunting places in Southern California?

    Where can i go small game hunting like rabbits. Also, where can i go bird hunting.Where are some good hunting places in Southern California?
    East LA or South Central. hunt some gang members and make your state more respectable. as soon as some one says there from california I think hippie, gangster, or surfer.

    on a serious note you better off heading up north in california if that's an option more secluded and the actors/politicians don't really care about north california.

    Easiest new games to get achievement points?

    Besides Avatar, NBA 2K6, King Kong, TMNT and other sports/older games that everyone always mentions, are there easy achievement points for the newer games? What about Cabela's hunting games, are those easy? Thanks for your answersEasiest new games to get achievement points?
    Fusion Frenzy 2 was very easy. I got 1000/1000 in two days.Easiest new games to get achievement points?
    Smackdown Vs RAW 2008 has some VERY easy achievements, with one that is worth 350 Gamer Points!! Some other good games for Gamer Points are The Simpsons Game, Halo 3 has some simple ones.

    What are the advantages of deer or wild game hunting?

    i am trying to write a essay on the advantages of hunting can someone help me out.What are the advantages of deer or wild game hunting?
    I am going to give you some very important information. The facts that I am about to give you can be verified for accuracy. The US is the only modern nation that allows chemicals to be added to the food of livestock ( cows, hogs, chickens,etc.) that causes the livestock to have tremendous weight gain with very little food intake. This chemical gets into humans and is blamed by some for the current high rate of obesity and cancer.Every other modern nation on earth bans this chemical from their food chain.We cannot not export our food overseas because of this chemical. Only the third world countries accept our exports of meat.For this reason alone, a persons main source of meat should be wild game. A hunter will be providing himself and his family with a good healthy source of meat by hunting. Good luck with your essay. I am sure your teacher is already aware of the chemicals in our food supply.
    I don't agree with hunting for the sake of it but,

    You get to eat it,

    it controls the population,

    accuracy/aim improves,

    your fitness improves,

    socialise with peopleWhat are the advantages of deer or wild game hunting?
    There are no fat animals in nature.

    Nature provides just enough food to stay alive, so deer, wild hog, and other game animal meats are very, very lean. In fact, many recipes for venison, buffalo, etc, call for wrapping the meat in bacon to add some fat, otherwise, the meat can be tough and dry.What are the advantages of deer or wild game hunting?
    Other than putting food on your table and population control. Spending time afield is a never ending learning process. You see amazing sights. Learn to read sign and animal behavior. In hunting, killing is not necessarily the main goal each time. There is a difference between hunters and killers. Hunters respect the animals and their environment, and are thankful if they are blessed with harvesting an animal cleanly. Killers could care less. They sling lead, litter, and are clueless in the woods.

    Also in today's digital world it sure is nice to remove yourself from so much constant wired devices. Instead of watching "Nature" on PBS, go sit on a log and really watch nature. Instead of PS3 fishing, go fishing. Get back to the way humans learned to survive, fend for yourself, eat healthy. Enjoy and respect.

    What do you have to do to get a Tennessee small game hunting license?

    j/w b/c i'm a 16 year old male and i'm planning on getting my hunting lisence (after i complete my gun safety course) and do you get measured/ weighed for the license? (i'm not really worried about that, b/c i'm 5'7'' and weigh 120-ish pounds. but i think it would be pointless....any info on any of these questions will be appreciated!!!)What do you have to do to get a Tennessee small game hunting license?
    No, they don't measure or weigh you. You must have a driver's license and a parent with you. You can go to any hunting store that offers the liscense to get it. You can even get them at Wal-Mart. BTW, I'm from TN also :)What do you have to do to get a Tennessee small game hunting license?
    A 16 yr old does not have to have a parent with them to buy their license.

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  • beauty eye
  • Who do you think will be head hunting for Brady in the next 5 games?

    The Eagles showed they are vulnerable and sackable,I hope its my STEELERS!!Who do you think will be head hunting for Brady in the next 5 games?
    Ray Lewis will definitly be head hunting on Monday night, if the Pats go up big and Brady is still in the game, I wouldn't even be surprised if Lewis takes a cheap shot.

    Pittsburgh has a history of knocking out star QB's (ask Carson Palmer) so they'll get after him.

    The Giants are definitly capable of getting after a QB.

    In the regular season, I think it'll just be those three. In the playoffs...everyone will be getting after Brady.
    If anyone is looking break some bones.. Its Ray " manslaughter " Lewis.Who do you think will be head hunting for Brady in the next 5 games?
    Easy answer....RAY LEWIS. He will find a way to put Brady on his back.Who do you think will be head hunting for Brady in the next 5 games?
    only way the pats r gonna lose if someone knock brandy out of the game,but no cheap shot.
    Every team.

    The Steelers will really need this win in order to prove that they are a viable playoff contender.

    The Dolphins don't want to go without a win, and would love to bring the Patriots down a peg.
    Have you seen Brady's backup play? He seems like an exact replica of Brady, so if a team gets what they want and knocks Brady out of the game...they may be shocked when the Pats plug Cassel in and keep churning.
    LOL. And the Jets, Dolphins, Broncos, Cardinals and Browns showed the Steelers are vulnerable. Seriously every team has been trying to get to Brady all season, the Eagles and the Colts are the only 2 teams to have some success at it. The Steelers will have some success, their defense is capable, but the end result will still be a Patriots win. In the Patriots horrible game the other night, they still managed to score more than the steelers have scored in their past 2 games which were against teams with a combined record of 2-20.
    OK, free lesson.

    Say a third string LB is put in to "take out" Brady. Say he succeeds.

    Do you think the guy from the practice squad getting in might raise a few eyebrows. In the riot that ensues do you think anyone goes after the unarmored coach? Do you think "Hang 'em high" Goodell might frown on an intent to injure a star player? How long do you think the suspensions are after that player and that coach get out of the hospital?

    In the Free Agency era, how much do you think being known as the guy who cheap shotted Brady increases a players bargaining power, especially since he might go to a team with former Brady team mates. (Not just the Patriots, find a team with no former Patriot players.)

    If you mean legally, yup. They will play 5 wide with no RB the rest of the way.:rolleyes:

    What is the best gun for small game hunting?

    well me and my friend are going to go rabbit and squirrel hunting this winter and idk what gun to use? my friend is going to be using a 22 but idk if i should to?What is the best gun for small game hunting?
    A .22 is pretty standard for that.
    A 22 is a good gun for small game, and it will teach you how to shoot far better than using a shotgun will. If you are willing to put in the practice using a .22 pistol can be a more rewarding. The .17 HMR and .22 WMR are also really good rimfire cartridges with just a little more "umph" than the regular .22lr. A good scoped rifle in either caliber will allow you to make more accurate long distance shots than your friend carrying a .22.

    As mentioned, using a shotgun will bag you more animals and will also give you the opportunity to shoot at birds, like Chuckars that frequently live in some of the same environments as small game (should you be hunting during the appropriate season). I would personally stay away from the 410 shotguns as a 20gauge gun is so much more effective and you can use it for larger birds like ducks later if you want to.

    Check out the sources, all of which are fun to read if nothing else.What is the best gun for small game hunting?
    take a shotgun and i guarantee you'll bag more than him. Especially if you guys are going on a stroll through the woods kind of rabbit and squirrel hunt which are quite enjoyable. Pulling of a standing shot on a small target with a 22 can be quite a challenge compared to swinging up a shotgun and firing. Your pretty much guaranteed a hit especially on squirrels up in trees. It's just much much more practical and effective. Just make sure to use the right type of shot and a good barrel choke. I've done this alot and I always walked out of the woods with 5 or 6 compared to friends one or two. You'll be taking out the ones he misses just get ready and let him shoot first and when they start to scamper away take them outWhat is the best gun for small game hunting?
    A bolt action rifle chambered in .22LR is ideal. If you are young and still honing your skills (i know, i know, everybody's a sniper...) a bolt action rifle will force you to become a good shot.

    Sure, you will bag more with a .410 shotgun, but are you doing this to feed the family or for sport? Challenging yourself is the ideal way to become better. All of my freinds that started with a single shot .22LR are very good with a rifle, because they knew each shot had to count. I'd get a magazine fed .22LR like a savage.
    A 22 is not real good for rabbit hunting unless your hunting where there is a lot of them and can spot them sitting. A 20 ga shot gun with # 5 shot is good for all small game and probably the best for rabbits and squirrels that are on the move.
    a 22.LR or a 410 or 20 gauge shotgun lots a rabbits with one and a few with a 44 was what I had at the time !

    What is a good caliber for hunting small game?

    I want something for hunting anything from squirrels to foxes and coyotes. My main concern and please take this into account is noise. NOISE NOISE NOISE is the deciding factor for this caliber. I want it quiet. I already have a .22 so don't reccomend that. Also is a .223 the same as .22 in terms of knock down power and diameter. Thanks!What is a good caliber for hunting small game?
    A 20 gauge will work fine with # 6.5 shot for squirrel's and #3 buck for fox and coyotes. And a 223, 222, and a 22 250 are all the same diameter as the 22 but the 22 is a rim fire rifle. the others are center fire

    and go much further. But the22 is much shorter and don't go as far because they have less gunpowder. Also for foxes and wolves you could use a crossbow, or compound bow.
    I would recommend a 17 hmr, It is like a 22 LR but faster, Flatter, better for longer range and hits harder. Its quite as well.

    If you noise wasn't an issue then i would recommend a 204. ruger or a 22-250. rem over any other gun. What is a good caliber for hunting small game?
    .22 for squirrels and .223 for a fox and or coyote. You dont wanna blow uop a squirrel with a .223 and you dont just wanna wound a fox with a .22What is a good caliber for hunting small game?
    Other than a shotgun which you can put in different sized loads nothing would be adequate for taking a coyote and not overkill for a squirrels, and vice verse.
    Then your best choices are the 22 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222, or 22-250.* Pick one.*

    What is the best 12 gauge shell for small game hunting if you dont want to put too many holes in the animal?

    I will be hunting doves, rabbits, squirrel, and groundhog. i dont want to put a lot of holes in the meat.What is the best 12 gauge shell for small game hunting if you dont want to put too many holes in the animal?
    There's an art to choosing shot size. Your most important concern is a humane kill. If you use small shot there are more pellets increasing the chance some will stay in the meat, but it the shot is too large the more damage it does to the meat.

    The guy who answered just 6, isn't too far off if you want to make one shot work. However after killing dove for many years, I agree with the experts and use 7 1/2 shot. I have successfully used 8 shot, which is often on sale, but I do get more "wounded" birds. I have noticed that at normal ranges (inside 30 yards) the shot usually passes through, or stays in the organs and is disposed of while cleaning. Of course, like most, all I save to eat is the breast. Only occasionally would I bite into a piece of shot.

    Game hunting gets more confusing. You find advocates of 4,5 or 6 shot. Actually when killing mammals it's about range. I prefer a game load of #5 shot when I can find it. I have used this successfully on pheasant. It's high velocity allows it to reach out there to maximum ranges. Otherwise I will use 4 or 6 depending on which is on sale. The mammals you describe are usually killed at 30 yards or less with a shotgun and the shot from the previous mentioned loads will usually pass through them, or be trapped in the organs. I have had fewer incidents of shot bites with rabbits and squirrel.
    Generally shotgun shells are sized to the game being hunted, as well as the speed of the target. Like the previous posts stated, low base # 8 shot is a good place to start. Now #8 shot has more pellets per inch of shell than say # 4 shot, but this allows a fast moving target to be hit easily within the spread. This is why #8-11 shot is used for clays. they break easy, and the extra pellets make for an easier hit. Now even though there are more pellets, they do not have nearly the energy per pellet that larger shot sizes have. This equates into less pellets penetrating the skin of the target and damaging the meat.

    For doves and close range quail, low base 6, 7 1/2, and 8 shot are great choices. Squirrels, rabbits and ground hogs have a little bit tougher hide, especially in the fall, winter and spring.(Except the hibernating ground hog) For those 3 species, I would look at high base 6' and 7's, of course this is dependent on the range you will be shooting. For a larger rabbit at 40 yards, I would look at high base 5 shot, or the like.

    Hope this helps, and good huntingWhat is the best 12 gauge shell for small game hunting if you dont want to put too many holes in the animal?
    dove or pigeon, your looking at the normal 6's and if you want 5's

    rabbit and squirrels, i like to use 5's but if you dont want so much lead in them people use 4's

    dont have many ground hogs here so i wouldn't know.What is the best 12 gauge shell for small game hunting if you dont want to put too many holes in the animal?
    * Number 6 or 7-1/2 shot for rabbits, squirrels, and all Birds.* Number 4 shot for groundhog.*
    Federal Lead 8 shot
    4 with a loose modified choke

    Is there any free hunting and fishing games?

    The last time I checked the ESPN website had a deer %26amp; turkey hunting game.Is there any free hunting and fishing games?
    Here's one:鈥?/a>
  • cargo
  • Best PS2 Games for Fishing, Hunting, & Golf?

    Tip: Games are for an adult male (birthday gift).

    Question/Survey: I need to know the most fun,

    realistic, and cool games for PS2

    that are about: Fishing, Hunting, or Golf.

    Thank you in advance,

    Inked FantasyBest PS2 Games for Fishing, Hunting, %26amp; Golf?
    The Cabela's hunting game is okay - It's the only hunting game I've played but it didn't keep my attention for too long.

    I like 'Big 'Ol Bass' for a fishing game. It's tricky and takes some effort to do well.

    The Tiger Woods golf games are consistently better than others. Great graphics and realistic physics help.

    Don't get him any of the goofy "cartoony" golf games. Go for realism - it's important when you're trying to do well...which is hard when your character in the game is a turtle or something stupid.

    PS - it's cool of you to check stuff like this out before buying whatever is out there. Good move.Best PS2 Games for Fishing, Hunting, %26amp; Golf?
    There is that game that you swing your arms and it shows you how you would have hit the ball. It's like 70 bucks.Best PS2 Games for Fishing, Hunting, %26amp; Golf?
    Cabela's Big Game Hunter / Dangerous Hunts

    What type of pellets do you prefer for hunting small game?

    I have a .177 cal air rifle.Are the Crosman Copperhead Flat Nose Pellets any good for hunting? What do you prefer or recommend using? Thanks!What type of pellets do you prefer for hunting small game?
    Josh is correct, except a .410 or 20 ga would be adequate. I find .22's and pellets really mess up the animal with a gut shot, whereas the shot do not.
    I prefer the pellets that my rifle(s) prefer(accuracy), and the only way to find that out is to shoot a variety of good quality pellets.

    Pellet sampler鈥?/a>

    "Generally" speaking, domed lead pellets are the most effective against small game.

    When looking for the "perfect" pellet for your rifle, IMO a good starting point is to match the weight of the pellet to the power of the rifle, to keep the muzzle velocity somewhere in the 850fps to 950fps range. %26gt;Too slow and the trajectory suffers, too fast and accuracy does. Pellets tend to become unstabe and inaccurate as they approach and or exceed the speed of sound(approx 1120fps). 1000fps with lightweight pellets isn't such a good thing.

    If you have the usual, medium power air rifle(12-16ft-lbs of muzzle energy) then you're going to want to start with roundnose or domed pellets that weigh around 7.5gr to 8.8gr, I would not go much lower or higher.

    Two high quality pellets that generally perform well in a wide variety of medium power air rifles. Are the Crosman Premier Domed Light(7.9gr) and the RWS Superdome(8.3gr)

    A couple of others that I recommend are the JSB Exact Domed(8.4gr) and the H%26amp;N Field and Target(8.49gr)

    %26gt;%26gt;.177 Crosman Copperhead Flat Nose pellets%26lt;%26lt;

    Wadcutters and some wadcutter shape hollowpoints are great for pest birds鈥?/a>What type of pellets do you prefer for hunting small game?
    7.5 birdshot for target practice,

    #4 birdshot for actual hunting. that way you don't need to pick out as many pellets from the game during butchering before you can eat it.

    or try a .22lr rifle. ordinary walmart bulk pack .22lr works greatWhat type of pellets do you prefer for hunting small game?
    7 1/2 shot. It's great for everything from squirrels to pheasant.
    Size 6 that I shoot out of my 12 gauge.

    Does anyone know the name of an old computer hunting game?

    I think the game I used to play was on an IBM computer. It was in the early to mid 90's. The screen was like you were looking down on a maze and there were animals that moved and you had to find and hunt them. I'm going out of my mind trying to think of the name. Hopefully someone else will have played it!!Does anyone know the name of an old computer hunting game?
    I think it was Duck hunter or something... I don't know I am just guessing

    Would you rather get a wii gun than use the wii remote for cabelas big game hunting for the wii?

    do you like using the wii gun rather than the wii remote for cabelas big game hunting?Would you rather get a wii gun than use the wii remote for cabelas big game hunting for the wii?
    Yes, the wii zapper is WAY easier then just a remote so ya if you want to play that game use the wii zapper, and whats great if you buy the zapper, a free game comes with it!!!

    Any Recommendations for a Good Hunting PC Game?

    Just wondering if any of you had recommendations for a good hunting computer game. I am interested in buying one for an upcoming birthday!

    (Sorry, I didn't know whether this would get the best responses here, in video games, or in computers)Any Recommendations for a Good Hunting PC Game?
    Hands down the best hunting game for the PC is hunting unlimited. There is hunting unlimited 1 2 3 and now 2008. It is so realistic. You don't just start a hunt with a buck in your sights like some games you have to use calls and lures to get the bucks in. You can also hunt alot of other stuff like cougar bear elephant ect. Its a great game and the areas are huge. YOU WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT!Any Recommendations for a Good Hunting PC Game?
    lol well the cabela's hunting games are pretty solid. hunting games on computer aren;t that fun, they just make you want to really go huntAny Recommendations for a Good Hunting PC Game?
    You should try Deer Hunter; 2005 season. It is pretty sweet.
  • highlight
  • What do you think about hunting game birds for fun and for eating offcourse?

    Game birds taste good, especially when fried and dipped in ranch dressing.What do you think about hunting game birds for fun and for eating offcourse?
    For the money, dove hunting is the most fun and challenge I've come across in hunting. You can find a lot of leases around here where you can dove hunt for a day for $30-50, but deer hunting is a lot more expensive (I never did the math on a price per pound, but deer hunting is probably cheaper). Another great thing about dove hunting is that you can decide at noon that you want to go, and be in the field at 5PM. Doves are a real challenge to shoot (I used to get ribbed a lot for shooting "magic" doves that the shotgun pellets bounced off of), but the hunt is worth it.

    And there's nothing quite like a dove breast, stuffed with a jalapeno pepper, wrapped in bacon, on the grill. Mmmmmmm
    I do not hunt for fun. I eat what I kill. I do not think it is right to hunt game birds and not eat them. I mean here in Michigan Phesants are kinda low in numbers and to just waste one is a mistake. I love the challenge of going and watching the dogs..the main reason to even go it to watch the dogs..and to talk to your friends. Also a recheck on what I said above. I do hunt for fun otherwise I would not be going...what I meant to say is I hunt for fun but eat what I hunt. No one will know the thrill of hunting unless us as hunters take them out and show them what they have been missing. To hunt grouse is such a great thing...even getting slapped in the face by small trees, and prickers and the such...What do you think about hunting game birds for fun and for eating offcourse?
    My family and I go out on weekends from August to December and hunt grouse and ptarmigan - we eat everything we take. Some birds - spruce grouse and ptarmigan have a red meat and make a great stew. Other grouse - blue, and ruffed - are very much the Cornish game hens you find in the store.

    We do not hunt for 'fun'. It is enjoyable to be in the woods and have the family with you........ but nobody is getting their kicks by killing anything. That just not cool. I would have a good long talk with my kids behind the wood shack if I saw this .......... and I don't go hunting with anyone who does.

    Hope this helps.What do you think about hunting game birds for fun and for eating offcourse?
    What is to think about? I do it all the time when the season is open. Grouse, Ducks, Geese, used to live near Dove and Quail.
    It's not fun

    Well ok, I do enjoy it.

    I always start my hunts with a prayer and end them with a few moments of silence in respect for the lives I have taken.

    Then I enjoy the bounty laid before me.
    Doves and ducks give my retrievers and I our best days afield doing something we both love. Turkeys give my sons that rare time to say I got something a dad didn't shoot nothing. I always have to do the calling.Ha Ha
    Love it, its fun, develops reflexes, hand and eye coordination and taste good too. ;-)
    i think it's fun, it's good eating, is good for the game bird population.
    Quail is the funniest and the best eatin
    all for it. fun, healthy, and tasty

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Who likes to get out and go small game hunting with their kids?

    Personally I love it, my five year old and I trek through the forest every second Saturday (single father) with the hopes of just seeing a rabbit or grouse . We rarely get any thing but we have fun. I teach him about hunting , gun safety and out door survival. I know he's not really lisening but I have a blast. Any one else like to do things like thatWho likes to get out and go small game hunting with their kids?
    Great thread! I love to hunt with my kids! I have 3 step sons whom now enjoy the outdoors more then the video games. I also introduced my daughter into turkey and deer hunting this year. We need more people to share there knowledge and love of the outdoors with younger generations. That is the only way to keep our tradtions alive.
    As a father of 2 teenagers, I know how you feel, it's true quality time! I had my now 19 yr old daughter shooting when she was around 7 or 8, same with my now 16 yr old son, both are great shots and both have first hand knowledge of proper gun safety and skill. Keep up the good work!Who likes to get out and go small game hunting with their kids?
    When I was a kid, my dad took my brother and I, and it was great. I don't have any kids, but my brother does, and he takes his 6 year old son out, and he loves it.Who likes to get out and go small game hunting with their kids?
    I'm not a hunter, but it's nice that you enjoy spending time with your son....don't ever let that stop!
    I killed a doe and a 3-point when I was 5. Dad never missed a chance to take me hunting.
    hi there

    i would have loved to take my daughters hunting more, but after the first time out with them and i shot a snowshoe rabbit, they wouldn't go any more, both of them love to shoot, skeet trap, targets ,but they won't kill anything, well that's ok with me , we still shoot together when we get the chance, and they still belly up to the table when the venison loins come out of the oven every year, and they always seen to just drop by the first Sunday after turkey opens, kids are wonder-full.
    Unfortunently, my dad wasn't into the outdoors at all, much less hunting. Since my parents are divorced, and I live with my mom, I didn't have anybody to take me hunting. My Grandpa on my dad's side hunted alot but died before I was old enough to go but really got me into fishing and the outdoors. My other Grandpa didn't hunt at all, he was pro-hunting and everything but just didn't hunt personally. But finally, my mom's boyfriend hunts so he got me started about four years ago. Now that's what my life revolves around (and fishing).

    I'm really glad that you are taking your son hunting. It will form a bond neither one of you will forget. I'm already taking my little cousin on small hunts and he loves it. Pass it on to anybody you can.
    My daughter has been going hunting with me since she was 5 shes 11 now and I just started by taking her to my deer stand once and she always wanted to go ever since, but her favorite thing is to go hunting with hounds. We run bear, coon and coyote where we live and she loves the dogs even if we don't put anything up a tree or find a coyote track to run she always finds something positive that that the dogs did that will in time make them better and smarter. I can remember going coon hunting the first time when i was like 5 or 6, and if you ever find someone with hounds see if you can go with them for a day running bear or night running coon and you kids will have the time of their lives.
    Ditto that.**

    Is there a decent realistic online hunting game?

    Ive been looking alot for one and just cant find one.Is there a decent realistic online hunting game?

    Which gun is better for small game hunting?

    I'm debating whether I should get a Smith and Wesson 22A or a Taurus Tracker chambered in 22 mag. I want to know which one is better. I would mainly use it for small game huntingWhich gun is better for small game hunting?
    I would go for the 22-A - Ammo cheap %26amp; will kill a surprising variety of game to include a deer if hit right.Which gun is better for small game hunting?
    Tauruses are inexpensive and pretty good quality. 22 magnum rounds are about 4 cents a peace. I would go with the Taurus. I had a Taurus 44mag revolver and it never failed.Which gun is better for small game hunting?

    Hunting small game with air guns new york?

    What are the rules on hunting small game on DEC property with pellet rifles? I want to hunt I am 16, and my brother is 13. I am assuming ajuniors hunting liscense? is hunting small game with an airgun on dec managed property even allowed? Hunting small game with air guns new york?
    check new york state game laws! im in calif. and airguns are allowed for resident small game and 20cal or bigger can be used for turkey!
  • urban decay cosmetics
  • Does anyone know any games similar to the button hunt games?

    google the ame to find out what i mean please help i love the games but i finished them all.Does anyone know any games similar to the button hunt games?
    Maybe try the Idiot Test. It's kind of like this. Everyone I know always tries to beat me at it.

    Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?

    I need one that is safe to download please.Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?
    Cabela's Dangerous hunts.- It's a blast!Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?
    the United States Marines, it's no gameHelp me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?
    its way more fun to go out and not shoot anything than it is to sit at home and shoot fake animals all day..

    In your opinion,whats the best breed of dog for field trials or hunting game?

    it doesn't have to be a gun dog lol it could be any breed,but what do you think?

    i personally think springer spaniels are amazing gun dogs for many reasons...not just because i have one

    what do you guys think?In your opinion,whats the best breed of dog for field trials or hunting game?
    WHICH "game"???

    Your ESS would STINK ...would be utterly what my dogs EXCEL at!

    Mine are lousy at cougar.

    Never heard "Horses for courses" ,obviously.
    I have a pointer hound mix, and they rock. :D I think there are many dogs that would fit what you are asking for. To pick the absolute best breed, depends on what you are hunting.

    Pointers are more bird dogs, and obviously they "point" at the game. If you want to run down a deer, get a blue tick or other hound. If you want to kill rats, get a Jack Russell or dashhound. Then there are retrievers, who go get your game and bring it back to you. I thought springer spaniels were more into retrieving through water? Again, it really depends on the game and what you want the dog to do.

    Many many dog breeds are designed to be hunters assistants, but each breed serves a different function.In your opinion,whats the best breed of dog for field trials or hunting game?
    That's one of those questions, if you ask 10 different hunters, you'll get 12 different opinions, LOL.

    I live in the heart of pheasant country and it's a debate that can cause fistfights, especially if there's drinking involved when the debate starts, LOL.

    The more I learn about hunting dogs %26amp; training dogs for upland bird hunting, the more I am impressed with the French Brittany (脡pagneul Breton). The AKC considers the "French" and "American" Brittany to be the same breed- but the French dogs conform to the FCI standard for the breed- different overall structure, different allowable coat colors, etc. Arguably, if you are looking for a hunting Brittany from a strictly "working" lines, you'll find consistent working ability among the French line dogs, because they are strictly used for field work- there is no "field/show" split.

    Obviously the type of game you're hunting depends on the type of dog you'll prefer. Pointers have a longer range on them- they'll run out further, and people who hunt on foot may find it harder to keep their dog within shot range. Spaniels of all types tend to stay closer %26amp; are preferred by a lot of foot hunters. Waterfowlers look for a good retriever, and a heavy dog with a dense water resistant coat that can withstand icy waters when retrieving a bird- Labs and other retrievers are the preferred breed.

    I'm by no means an expert. Just in the process of learning. And for what it's worth, I've got a mystery mutt who makes for a perfectly passable pheasant hunting dog. For a casual hunter, all you need is a dog with a good nose, lots of drive %26amp; some reliable training to keep the dog under contorl in the field :).In your opinion,whats the best breed of dog for field trials or hunting game?
    field work - english setter

    retriever - lab

    both of which no longer look anything like what they were originally bred to be

    hunting - terrier. which breed depends on which type of prey. the terrier breeders have managed to maintain their breeds types rather than altering them to make them more competitive.

    i hardly would expect an ess, a lab or a gordon to excel at what saints excel at - but last I knew, st. lady also owns more than one breed.

    i thought targeting other members was against the community guidelines and terms of service, but i guess some people are more equal than others.
    German Shorthaired Pointers....great versatility breed. Can hunt upland birds as well as water fowl. Point, flush %26amp; retreive. Do very well in field trials %26amp; under ordinary hunting conditions. Have a lot of courage %26amp; stamina. Very intelligent. Usually posess a lot of natural ability.

    Not only are the good in the field but also make good show dogs.
    I can't name a dog that is good for all field trials and for all hunting games. From my hunting experience:

    For black bear: Mountain View Cur

    For raccoon: Bluetick Coonhound

    For coyote: Greyhound

    For deer: Scottish Deerhound

    ...and the list could go on

    The same situation with rifles. There isn't a rifle out there perfect for all hunting types.
    Yeeeeyyyyy My kinda question!

    You'd be lucky to get any other breed that ain't classed as a gundog to work well for you as a gundog. Having said that, my mongrel is great at flushing, and he also retrieves dummies to hand. But he just isn't as good as my Springer, and he wouldn't do well if I took him out on a shoot.

    What are you using the dog for though? Flushing, pointing, beating, picking up....?

    Ok, if it's totally *my* opinion I'm gonna be biased and go with my breed.

    Yep, Field Springer Spaniel. flushes, goes into all covers- brambles, long grass, water hedges etc you name it, she's in. She locates the object and retrieves it. She's also proving fairly easy to train. Hopefully we're off beating in February, so that should be fun!

    But I would LOVE to work a Cocker. Field bred of course. They are much more busier and driven and get on with their job. My next gundog will be a Cocker.

    However, I also like field labs, wouldn't mind giving one of them a go.

    But it's the way those Spaniels move, their size and the fact they just don't care if they come out of the undergrowth with a collection of branches hanging off their ears, or a cut on their heads- they're solid and great!鈥?/a>鈥?/a> -- she just works so well for me.

    As soon as I got home today, I headed straight out and we did some training. She just loves it and couldn't wait to begin.

    But hopefully, he'll be my next hunting partner!鈥?/a>

    Though I will ALWAYS have a Springer.

    ADD- BYB's.. lol!! Hahaha I've never seen a St Bernard hunt either, unless she means hunting people! But no springer's would be useless at hunting RATS!

    Oh dear- thumbs down! For my OWN opinion. I am fairly experienced in the gundog world as well, hmm...

    *** Oh I didn't mention. Over in England, you only really get Springers, Cockers and Labs in the field. Occasionally you might get a GSP or another HPR dog, but RARELY.
    WOW St Lady... I never stop learning... I didn't know ST BERNARDS were HUNTING DOGS!!!111!!

    Oh... yeah... that's right... You're NOT who you claim to be. I forgot there for a moment.

    Gordon Setters are known as a gentleman's hunting dog, they excell at working closely with their owner. I love 'em, but I wouldn't call them the BEST tho. Gotta go wwith German Shorthair Pointer for that, I think.
    I think Labradors but that's my opinion. Because if I ever hinted, the dogs would do mostly retreiving.

    I have an uncle who hunts with Bracco Italianos and say's they're excellent mutli-purpose gundogs, but I've never met one, so I wouldn't know.
    Wow! Just looking at the question alone I though "Springer Spaniel". I love them and they are one of my favorite dogs. I've learned tons about them and Springer Spaniels (next to Boston Terriers-which I have) are number one!

    They're great field dogs. You should post your dog's picture up here sometime!
    Diferent dogs for diferent trails.

    Springer for hunting.

    Labrador for retrieving

    English pointer for pointing

    and of course my breed the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla for the HPR.
    German Shorthaired Pointer. Best all around athlete, in my opinion. Too rambunctious for me, but they are extremely impressive to watch work.
    I've watched two english setters work the fields not only do they excel at it, they genuinely love it!
    my grandpa uses Brittany spaniels
    Dogs bred for hunting?

    Hey guys just want to know some good small game hunting spots near san diego?

    ok so i will have a .22 lr rifle and want to go small game hunting, rabbits, squirrels, pheasant? and quail? What spots do you recommend near San diego?Hey guys just want to know some good small game hunting spots near san diego?
    Nice to see someone else on here in San Diego.

    You cannot go hunting for those during off season. I wouldn't recommend hunting any upland bird with a rifle. Rabbits and squirrels are fine, IN SEASON. Go to the DFG website and look at Hunting Regulations. Big 5 almost always has a regulation booklet.

    Try Palomar or Jamul area.Hey guys just want to know some good small game hunting spots near san diego?
    Apparently the Salton Sea, McCain Valley, and the Palomar mountains have opportunities for you. There is a detailed discussion on this very topic here:鈥?/a>

    Good luck!Hey guys just want to know some good small game hunting spots near san diego?
    You need to use a shot gun to hunt the birds. Rifles aren't permitted.
  • scars
  • Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?

    I need one that is safe to download please.Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?
    You can "hunt" and shoot people in this one, and I guess elites are kinda like wild animals.;x=4180Help me find a really fun and cool life like hunting game that you shoot at all kinds of wild animals?
    why would you want to simulate killing animals?

    Thats disgusting!

    Which handheld video game is best for a 6-year old boy who likes wargames, hunting, action games?

    will be used for car trips and some free time at homeWhich handheld video game is best for a 6-year old boy who likes wargames, hunting, action games?
    You just described the Monster Hunter series ;)

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is without a doubt the best action game on the PSP. It takes you to dragon infested world where you go on missions to slay them, there is no blood, no nudity, the perfect time wasting game for car trips, and believe me he will not get tired of it with all the content this game has :P

    Below this is a link of a video鈥?/a>Which handheld video game is best for a 6-year old boy who likes wargames, hunting, action games?
    I would have to say the PSP, nintendo games don't usually entertain my when it comes to action and war games.

    What is the best hunting game out for the wii?

    so far i only found duck and big game online, are there any others, anyone play both, what is your take? ThanksWhat is the best hunting game out for the wii?
    I havent really seen any hunting games but what I have seen are a Wii Zapper the turns the controler into a gun and theres a wii shotgun out there now. I think the shotgun comes with a hunting game actually. Anyway that should make the experience with a hunting game better.

    I am looking getting a German short haired pointer for hunting. Can anyone help me out with any tips please.?

    I am not sure wheather or not to purchase a male or female. I have heard a few different things.

    If anyone can help me out with any tips on training that would be great as I will be using this dog for hunting game.

    I also have a 12 month old. As this is a sniffer dog and not aggressive, will the GSP still make a good family pet.

    Cheers BrettI am looking getting a German short haired pointer for hunting. Can anyone help me out with any tips please.?
    "Game". Gotta love that term. I'm sure the birds, deer or whatever it is you plan to grow the skins off of don't find it much of a "game". Hunting doesn't make you look manly - it just makes you look cruel.
    what do you have now, M or F??I am looking getting a German short haired pointer for hunting. Can anyone help me out with any tips please.?
    buying a book on GSPs would be a good idea for you. You can use it as a refrence and go back to it if you are having problems. You can look up all the info you want on hunting with them on the internet for free. My uncle owns 2 and he has kids ages 4-10. The female pointer is a lot smarter and easier to train than the male. She is used for hunting. The male is used for hunting but not as much as he is too big a baby and would rather be playing. They are very good with kids. Very nice dogs.I am looking getting a German short haired pointer for hunting. Can anyone help me out with any tips please.?
    any dog can make a family pet some better than others,but I have been wanting one but I do not have the time for I have a labrador that I breed,but anyway I think with the right training he/she will be great,to me I would rather have a male,I have a younger sister who is 11 mnths old and we have a lab pup right now and he is good with her we also have a male german shepherd/husky mix who is great with kids,but I think it would be fine with a GSP
    Look for a dog with parents who are actively hunting or actually compeating in field trials - increases your chances of getting a pup with good instincts imeasurably. I don't think the sex of the dog is huge factor but I would consider spaying a female if you don't want the chance of her comming in heat during the hunting season (and sending her out in the field in heat is a recipe for disaster). There are 101 traing books, pro trainers who will work with your dog, and many sporting clubs to gain help.
    German Shorthaired Pointers are great dogs...most have a wonderful natural ability when it comes to hunting birds. As far as male or female that is a matter of personal preference..both are good in their own right. We currently are hunting a female and she's super..has a lot of focus and a lot of "hunt"..she has been pointing birds since she was 8 weeks and was very steady on the wing at a very young age.

    I would suggest that you look for a GSP that is registered not only with AKC but also NAVHDA. NAVHDA has very strict breeding guidelines and the dogs registered with them are bred for hunt ability as well as health, stamina, breed, temperament.

    I also suggest that you seek out a chapter of NAVHDA in your area and get involved with them. They can help you with your hunt training. They are a great organization.

    What is a good hunting game for Wii?

    I am thinking about purchasing the Cabela's Outdoor Adventures game for the Wii for a Christmas gift for an adult and want to know what people think about it and if it's more for teenagers or for everyone? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!What is a good hunting game for Wii?
    and adult will most likely be interested on shooting games so:

    great shooters on the wii:

    the conduit

    call of duty world at war

    metroid prime trilogy

    medal of honor heroes 2

    brothers in arms d-day

    dead space extraction

    house of the dead 2%26amp;3

    the house of the dead overkill

    onslaught (wiiware)

    water warfare (wiiware)

    resident evil 4 wii edition

    here are some of the other ones i have tried and approve of being really good:

    super paper mario

    New super mario brothers wii

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Legend of zelda twilight princess

    tatsunoko vs capcom

    guilty gear accent core 2

    taiko no tatsujin wii (japan import)

    donkey kong jungle beat

    wario ware smooth moves

    tales of symphonia

    phantom brave: we meet again

    super Smash Bros brawl




    a boy and his blob

    Mario Kart wii

    little kings story

    spectrobes origins

    wii sports resortWhat is a good hunting game for Wii?
    Cabela's Outdoor Adventures is the best hunting game on Wii, but that's not saying much.

    Here is a review.鈥?/a>

    If it has to be cute little animals that get killed then Cabela's Outdoor Adventures is your game. But if the person you're buying the game for can get into shooting other things there are better shooting games.

    The House of the Dead: Overkill鈥?/a>

    Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles鈥?/a>

    Dead Space Extraction鈥?/a>
  • face book
  • Whats a really good hunting game for Wii?

    I don't want one like the "Big Buck Hunter" that you find in bars. I want one that is realistic.Whats a really good hunting game for Wii?
    Big Game Hunter

    i know that u think its just like big buck hunter, but its not

    you can travel the world and hunt different animals

    u actually have to search for the animals, they dont just pop up

    its really fun if u like hunting and it comes with a wii shotgunWhats a really good hunting game for Wii?
    the Cabella's Dangerous Hunts series, i got it, but the sad thing is in the one i got u gotta kill wolves in Alaska :(

    Are there any games on the Wii platform that don't get old?

    My friends are really, really, into Super Smash Bros Brawl, but I'm am sincerely tired of that game. I want a game that really takes advantage of the Wii's wireless remotes. Is Link's Crossbow Hunting game a good game? Or call of duty?Are there any games on the Wii platform that don't get old?
    I've really enjoyed mario kart wii, super mario galaxy, call of duty 3, and legend of zelda. All of those games will allow hours of enjoyment.
    Tiger Woods 09

    Madden 09

    Fifa 09


    Animal Crossing


    Mario Kart Wii

    Trauma Center: New blood

    ^^Just off the top of my head...Are there any games on the Wii platform that don't get old?
    Try the Metroid game for Wii

    I thoroughly enjoyed that and it fully uses the wiimote and nunchuckAre there any games on the Wii platform that don't get old?
    mario kart wii, mario baseball, dbz boudaki tenkaichi 3,

    wii sports,call of duty 5 (online), and the best game ever made the legend of zelda twilight princess
    Trauma Center and Endless Ocean for me - both are very VERY good and very replayable.

    Also Mario Kart online is a blast.


    i know it is a game set you download to play where it has an icon and everything i keep forgeting its name but i know its short. ThankYouWHAT IS THAT GAMEBOX WHERE YOU CAN PLAY ARMY GAMES AIRFORCE GAMES AND DINO HUNTING?

    35 games in one

    For the iPhone, right?

    Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?

    I went to see them play at the Big 12 Championship, and I noticed more than 50% of their fan base wore bright orange hunting gear and this a tradition of being a tiger fan?? Had a conversation with a fan who was not an alumni who told me it had something to do with being the "bushwhackers''. Did not get much info into that. Thanks for your answers.Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
    Not sure about the Camo, but the carhartts probably cause it was freezing a** cold...Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
    Ummmmm, been an MU fan all my life and been to games every year. Never noticed any orange or hunting gear so I'm curious too....Might have something to do with who they were playing that night...Why do Mizzou fans wear hunting gear and carhartts to their football games? ?
    well duh they wanna represent their school.........

    What is the best rifle for small game hunting?

    This is a three part question. What is the best rifle for rabbit hunting? Is there such a thing as a split barrel rifle? Is a hunting dog really necessary for rabbit hunting?What is the best rifle for small game hunting?
    1 - Your favorite .22 LR rifle. My favorite happens to be a Marlin Golden Model 39-A

    #2 - If you mean a barrel that splits bullets, there is no such thing. If you mean a combination rifle and shotgun, yes, The Savage Model 24 is one of the very best. if you manage to acquire a rifle with a split in the barrel, don't shoot it! It has been damaged by firing it with an obstructed barrel.

    #3 A dog is not an absolute requirement, but it will make rabbit hunting a lot easier and more successful.

    Doc Hudson
    204 works great if your thinking of shooting from longer distances to far for the 22.

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    What is the best rifle for small game hunting?
    1) A .22 LR (rabbits, squirrels--maybe woodchuck) or a .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (woodchuck, fox, bobcat). Sorry .17 HMR lovers, the .22 LR is more practical and the .22 WMR is a bit more powerful and cheaper to shoot. The .22 WMR has more range than the .22 LR, so can be used on rabbits and squirrels as well at longer distrances.

    2) I've never heard of a split barrlel, unless you either mean a double barreled weapon, or a barrel that is cracked. One guy who posted mentioned a Savage model 24. That gun ahs been offered in avariety of claibers and gauges and is no longer made. The most common model 24, however, consisted of a .22 rifle barrel on top of a .410 shotgun barrel.

    3) Dogs can make rabbit hunting easier but they aren't absolutley necessary.What is the best rifle for small game hunting?
    Question 1) Any quality 22cal gun.

    Question 2) The split barrel rifle is really a double barrel, either over/under or a side by side. the best combo for small game is the 22-.410 over/under, with the 22 on top and the .410 on bottom. Question 3) No. a hunting dog is not necessary to hunt rabbit, but if you deem it necessary to have a dog for rabbits, the American Beagle is the best for this style of hunting, as they will bay/bark when on the hunt so that you can here where they are and are small enough to make chase into tight brush. A rabbit on the run will run in a circle, trying to get back to it's home.
    1. The best rifle would have to be a .22 LR. but if i was going rabbit hunting id take the .20 gauge with

    2. I have never heard of a split barrel rifle but would assume that's another name for a double barrel weapon.

    3. you don't need a hunting dog but they can make a hunting trip 100 times better than if you were on foot by yourself.
    1.When I did a lot of rabbit hunting I used either my Ruger 10/22 or my old 410 bolt action single shot.

    2.Im not sure what you mean my a split barrel. Do you possibly mean a double barrel? if so then yes.

    3.I used to run my basset hound rabbit hunting. he would circle the rabbits back to me. Necessary? no. Fun and easier Yes.
    Get you a .22 LR and I would recomend a S%26amp;W M%26amp;P 15-22 or a 20 gauge shotgun.

    Never heard of a split barrel and dought it exists

    No never have and hunt rabbits regularly from the back of a truck with some lights at night
  • bumble and bumble